Our Breeding Program
The following are some of the considerations that go into selection of dogs that we use in our breeding program and the achievements that are the culmination of that selection process:
Health: It goes without question that the health of our breeding dogs is the number one consideration.We screen our dogs in accordance with the Canine Health Information Center (CHIC) guidelines for Weimaraners.This includes screening for hips, eyes and thyroid. We also screen our dogs elbows. And we check for recessive genetic mutations available for our breed. We also strive to keep the 10-generation coefficient of inbreeding at 6% of lower in accordance with scientifc evidence that indicates that inbreeding may lead to a variety of genetic health issues.
Temperament: Sound temperament provides the foundation for top working Weimaraners. A combination of boldness and biddability creates dogs who are capable of whatever the owner wishes to do with them. We asses our puppies and adult dogs in a number categories to help us select breeding animals that will continue to produce dogs who excel in hunting and performance events as well as make excellent companions.
Hunting Ability: Strong hunting desire, excellent pointing instinct, a natural retrieve, and water love are some of the criteria we use to asses our breeding animals. We use the NAVHDA Natural Ability test, real life hunting, and AKC hunting tests and/or field trials to help us evaluate our dogs.
Conformation: We strive to produce moderate, balanced, athletic, agile and flexible dogs who are capable of hunting all day in the field. This type of conformation holds up into old age so that our dogs can live long, happy, active lives. So, while we produce many dogs who go on to finish their AKC Conformation Championship, we do so with the underlying goal of performance, health and longevity.
Achievements: This focus on health, temperament, hunting ability and conformation has allowed us to produce Weimaraners who excel in all venues. The following links include many high achieving Regen Dogs: All-Breed Obedience High in Trial/High Combined Score - BROM & FROM - Champion Trackers and Tracking Dog Excellent - Field Trial Champions - Master Agility Champions/Master Agility Excellent - Master Hunter Lifetime Achievement - Master Hunters - NAVHDA Natural Ability Prize I - Obedience Trial Champions/Utility Dog Excellent - Retrieving Dog Excellent - Multi-Champions - Versatile Companion Dogs - Versatile Excellent.
Both Diesel and Ashlee have been inducted in the Weimaraner Club of America Hall of Fame.